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- 2025-02-06_Class Afloat – A pretty typical day on the Alex 6. Februar 2025February the fifth was a pretty typical day on the Alex – as mundane as life gets when you live and work on a tallship. It was our first day of class since having left the DR, so all the students and faculty settled back into the schooling portion of this program. I was personally […]50406
- 2025-02-05_Class Afloat – Whales and a Rainbow 6. Februar 2025Yesterday was amazing! We set sail, saw whales, caught a rainbow, and enjoyed a stunning sunset. Then we started cruising along the Dominican coast, heading toward Havana, Cuba. What a day! Time: 08:00 Date: 5th February 2025 Latitude: 19° 55” N Longitude: 070° 33” W Avg. speed last 24 hours: 5 kn Distance last 24 […]50406
- Stammcrew Newsletter Januar 2025 30. Januar 2025Es gibt keinen Textauszug, da dies ein geschützter Beitrag ist.Florian Guglielmi
- Newsletter Januar 2025 30. Januar 2025Herzlich Willkommen zur Januar Ausgabe unseres Newsletters! Wir hoffen, ihr hattet tolle Festtage und seid gut in das neue Jahr gestartet. Unser 2025 beginnt sofort sehr ereignisreich. Wir wünschen euch wie immer viel Freude beim lesen. Newsletter Januar 2025 Ihr möchtet unseren kostenlosen Newsletter gerne per Mail erhalten und so keine Infos rund um die […]Florian Guglielmi
- 2025-01-24 _ Class Afloat – I could smell Johnny Depp 27. Januar 2025We got to swim where Johnny Depp swam. I could smell him. I stepped on a crab. I’m so sorry. Don’t wear jeans into the rainforest. You’ll regret it. Time: 08:00 Date: 24 January 2025 Latitude: 15° 34” N Longitude: 61° 28” W Average speed in the last 24 hours: 50 kmh Distance […]50406
- 2025-01-18 _ Class Afloat – We´re back! 21. Januar 2025We’re back! After 10 days of semester break, we floaties all came flooding back onto the Alex yesterday afternoon. Because the ship was at anchor, we got to return via pontoon boats, which was a new experience for some of us. It was great to see everyone again, and to meet the five new members […]50406
- Messe „Boot25“ im Januar 13. Januar 2025Vom 18. bis 26. Januar 2025 findet in Düsseldorf die Messe „boot“ statt und wir sind wieder dabei! Die Vorbereitungen laufen mittlerweile auf Hochtouren. Die Vorfreude im Büro und im Orga-Team ist groß, denn wir möchten auch in diesem Jahr wieder viele Alex-2 Interessierte an unseren Stand locken und den grünen Virus ein bisschen versprühen. […]Florian Guglielmi
- Stammtisch Alex-2 Düsseldorf 13. Januar 2025Am 25.01.2025 ab 19:00 findet ein Stammtisch statt, zu dem wir herzlich einladen. Damit auch alle Platz finden, bitten wir um Anmeldung unter Wir treffen uns im: Heideröschen, Am Hain 44, 40468 Düsseldorf ( Anreise per ÖPNV Birkhahnweg (Bus 721 und 722) oder Messe Ost/Stockumer Kirchstr. (U78 und U79)Florian Guglielmi
- 2025-01-06 _ Class Afloat – The last day of exams 7. Januar 2025The last day of exams, the last day of swim call, the last normal day for five of us… Yesterday was a high-energy day: we finished writing exams in the morning, then spent the early afternoon packing the sails and making the Alex look pretty for berthing. We had yet another swim call […]50406
- 2025-01-05 _ Class Afloat – First day of exams yesterday 6. Januar 2025It was the first day of exams yesterday and it showed. Everyone was giving off all this weird energy. What helped us burn it off was the swim call we had in the afternoon! Thank you to the DSST crew for monitoring our safety while we swam! Time: 08:00 Date: 5 January 2025 Latitude: 13° […]50406